Fostering Creativity in Mathematics
Creativity is the ability to create something new or think about an original idea using imagination. It helps to find out sustainable solutions to the problem, to discover new ideas, to completely revamp or to design something unique. Our future totally depends upon creative ways to solve the problems that we are not aware of yet! 'Mathematics involves problem solving, logical reasoning, applying rules, putting restrictions and certainly does not include creativity!' The above statement makes me inquisitive...and leads to the question, can we foster creativity in mathematics? I have been doing the activity of sunrise in my sessions (usually for set induction). The main objective is to check the creativity amongst participants and also it acts as an icebreaking activity. It starts with the prompt to everyone as draw sunrise in one minute ! I set the timer and go around the class to see what everyone is doing. Infact I also ask everyone to do their own, not to peep into what ot...